
  1. multi-select from drop down menus

    I would like to be able to select multiple issues at one from the drop down menu.
    #Sources#Facts#Issues & Claims


  2. Interactive Visual Timeline

    I'd like for our readers to be able to link back to the source in each fact in if a timeline is included in an article (source ex. news article, pdf, YouTube clip, image, audio file, etc)


  3. Create new contacts from document form

    When editing Source Info from the Sources list or from the Doc reviewer, I would like to be able to create a new contact or add a contact to the case (like is possible on the Fact form).
    #Document Review#Contacts


  4. Bulk Assign Contacts to Sources

    When assigning contacts to sources, I'd like the ability to bulk assign to save time. Just as you can bulk assign a reviewer, status, or source tag.

    #Sources#Contacts#Bulk Edit


  5. Attach Sources to Tasks

    I would like to be able to link Source documents to a Task.

    Jeff Kerr


  6. Create option to include day of week in date

    When I am creating facts, it's sometimes important to know the day of the week and not just the date. I'd like to have an option to include the day of the week when I create a new fact with a date.


  7. Show Issues and Documents relationships for a Contact

    When working on the Contacts tab and reviewing a particular contact's overview page, I'd like to see a listing of documents or issues the person is associated with for the case.
    #Sources#Contacts#Issues & Claims


  8. Ability to link Issues to Contacts, Sources and Tasks

    When working in CaseFleet, I would like the ability to tag contacts and sources with the Issue tags created for Facts. Currently, I have to create separate Source Tags or Contact Roles for tagging these.

    Meg Hall
    #Alternative Available#Issues & Claims


  9. Web-sharing option for Visual Timeline

    I'd like a relatively low-lift way for users to add a timeline to their articles – maybe via iframe or some simple HTML.


  10. Filter Contacts by Role Detail content

    When working on the Contacts tab, I would like the ability to filter my contacts list by details included in the Role Detail field. This is currently possible for the contact's Memo field, but not the Role Detail field.

    Meg Hall
    #Filtering & Saved Views#Contacts


  11. Link individual contact records to an entity

    When reviewing the contacts list, I would like a way to "link" an individual's contact record to an entity's record, so I can quickly identify which contacts are associated with a specific entity.

    Risa B


  12. Ability to link Contacts to a Task

    I would like the ability to link a Contact to a particular task. This would be very helpful when preparing for a contact’s testimony, etc. For instance, if I were preparing to take a witness’s deposition, I could look up each Task in which that witness was linked and make sure I have answered all outstanding questions before taking the deposition. Additionally, there could be information I have to depend on that specific witness to provide, and by having that information highlighted in a Task linked to that witness, it would serve as a reminder to me to work that question into my examination outline.


  13. Relationships tab on Source Detail page

    When reviewing a Source record that has a parent/child relationship (i.e. an email with attachments), it would be helpful to have a page on the Source detail record indicating what relationships are present. For example, a table similar to what is on the Exhibits tab, but identifies related sources as "Parent", "Child" or "Sibling" (open to other terms).

    Meg Hall


  14. Create a user forum

    I'd love to have a platform to visit to see how other's are using casefleet. I find I learn a lot of new information from product forums and would love to see CaseFleet create one


  15. Embed images in timeline

    I would like the ability to add embedded images to the timeline feature
