
  1. Improved Search Results Highlighting


    We've enhanced the search results experience in Casefleet's document viewer with two major improvements:

    ✨ Fixed a persistent highlighting issue that some users encountered when clicking search results. Your matches will now be properly highlighted in the text - no more missing purple highlights!

    🎯 Improved navigation with smooth scrolling - search results now automatically align perfectly at the top of your viewing area for better readability.


  2. Improved Highlighting Options


    The Casefleet team has just released two exciting enhancements that make highlighting multiple passages in a document and tie them to a single fact citation simpler!

    Continue Selection - Now you can highlight multiple passages before creating a fact citation. Use "Continue selection..." in the highlight context menu to add more text segments, then select "Create fact" when finished to record the fact.



    Add to Fact / Create New Fact option - When the "Edit citation" or "Create fact" sidebar is displayed in the reviewer, highlighting additional text will prompt you to choose from one of the following options:

    1. Add to fact - This option adds the newly highlighted text to the citation currently open in the sidebar with an ellipsis.
    2. Create new fact - If you're editing an existing citation, choose this option to close the open citation and open a new citation in the sidebar with just the new text included.
    3. Replace fact - If you're adding additional highlights while creating a new fact, this option will read as "Replace fact", which will replace the current text in the fact with the new selection.


  3. Simplified Bates Numbering and Automatic Citation Updates


    Updating Bates numbers in Casefleet just got easier! To assign a Bates number to a source, simply launch the Edit Source screen on the Sources list or in the Document Reviewer to see the new, consolidated "Beginning Bates number" field and click "edit".



    After entering in the desired beginning Bates number for the source, click "Test Update" to see a confirmation that existing fact citations will be updated using the new Bates number assigned. Click "Save changes" to confirm and proceed with the update.


    For more information about leveraging Bates numbers in Casefleet, click here.


  4. Source Tags Sidebar in Document Viewer


    The Casefleet team is excited to share a new feature for efficiently tagging documents while in the reviewer! Open the Source Tags sidebar to view any source tags currently associated with the open document. In the panel you can quickly add/remove source tags or use the "Apply Last Used" option to add your recent tag selection to the current document in view:



    For more information, view this support article: Organizing Sources with Tags.



  5. Faster Loading When Switching Documents


    We are excited to announce a new speed enhancement to Casefleet. When switching between documents in the Document Viewer, loading times are significantly faster - helping you complete your document review in less time!



  6. Sources Tab Upgrades



    The Casefleet team is excited to announce several significant improvements to the Sources tab to help streamline document management and review:

    (1) Continuous scroll on the Sources tab: Instead of navigating through multiple pages of document capped at 200 records, the Sources list will automatically load more sources as you scroll through the list. To jump to the top or bottom of your Sources list, click the ellipsis and choose the "Scroll to the top" or "Scroll to the bottom" option.


    (2) Content search and results preview: When filtering on the Sources tab, you will now see an option to "Search content ..." in the filter-builder. Use full-text search queries and combine with other filters for narrowing your sources list to documents matching your full-text search parameters.


    (3) New sources navigational chart (beta): We've also added early access to a new Sources graph feature, allowing navigation through your sources list based on the sort column and ordering. Enable or disable the graph in the ellipsis at the top-right of the sources list, then sort your sources via the desired column header. Click a point in the graph to be taken to that location in your sources list, or click-and-drag your mouse within the graph to zoom in on a subset of matching documents.



  7. Select All Matching Records for Bulk Edit


    Casefleet just released a new improvement to editing and deleting Sources and Facts in bulk. Instead of your bulk-edit selection being limited to the number of records visible on the page, you can now click a button to select all records matching your filter criteria for editing those records en masse.

    When all records on a page are selected, you will now see two options: (1) to edit just the selected sources or (2) to select and edit all records matching your set filters.


    Follow these links to learn more about bulk editing facts and bulk editing sources in Casefleet.


  8. Create Multiple Highlights for a Single Fact Citation


    The Casefleet team is thrilled to announce our latest new feature! When highlighting text in the paged document reviewer, you can now select multiple passages of text for a single fact citation.

    When using the highlight context menu, simply highlight the first passage of relevant text, then select "Continue selection..." in the menu to add other passages of text to the same fact citation. Alternatively, you can press the CTRL/CMD key on your keyboard to start an additional highlight selection for the same citation.

    Continuing Highlights


    This feature provides a much smoother way of citing multiple passages in a document to the same fact, without requiring you to create separate citations for the same fact using the "Link to existing fact" option.
