Sources Tab Upgrades
The Casefleet team is excited to announce several significant improvements to the Sources tab to help streamline document management and review:
(1) Continuous scroll on the Sources tab: Instead of navigating through multiple pages of document capped at 200 records, the Sources list will automatically load more sources as you scroll through the list. To jump to the top or bottom of your Sources list, click the ellipsis and choose the "Scroll to the top" or "Scroll to the bottom" option.

(2) Content search and results preview: When filtering on the Sources tab, you will now see an option to "Search content ..." in the filter-builder. Use full-text search queries and combine with other filters for narrowing your sources list to documents matching your full-text search parameters.

(3) New sources navigational chart (beta): We've also added early access to a new Sources graph feature, allowing navigation through your sources list based on the sort column and ordering. Enable or disable the graph in the ellipsis at the top-right of the sources list, then sort your sources via the desired column header. Click a point in the graph to be taken to that location in your sources list, or click-and-drag your mouse within the graph to zoom in on a subset of matching documents.